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Riding the bus

I’m riding the school bus this week. I think I’m going to be driving every day after next week. The children wont stay in their seats. Some of them hit each other. They have litle respect for the bus driver’s authority. I will practice good disciplining techniques and manipulation . It’s supposed to work. If not, the direct approach of kicking them off of the bus should.

I live in a really nice, rural area and we are able to allow parents to volunteer to help out at school. Today I got to watch over four different classrooms while they had lunch. The teachers got the lunch period as time to themselves.

I have successfully downloaded Windows Live Writer to  my Live Spaces web page.January '02 collage February '08 collage    March'o8 collage  April '08 collageMay 08 collageJune '08 collageJuly'08 collage 2July 08 collage  August '08 collage September'08 collage Robin '07, '08 CollageOctober'08 collage  Tsali July 08 collage Aiden'08 Collage 2Aiden '08 Collage 1 November 08 collage

5-2011 state finals track meet.  We had so much fun that day.CIMG0090

One man was bitten by the most poisonous snake in the world. He bled from his eyes,ears, previous scars, and orafices. It happened 9/11 so if he did not know the sheriff in his town, he would not have gotten the medicine for the snake bite. What I did not understand was…. Why, if he was putting the snake back from having milked it, did they not take the venom there and produce the antivenom instead of buying it from California?

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